That strange night where I scared myself

2 min readNov 14, 2021

You all must have experienced those spooky nights, where every little thing about the night is just scary, be it a pencil stand on your table (a demonic head) or some piece of clothing that is laying on your chair (a demonic being) and you can’t fall asleep either, because god has bamboozled you into this situation. Well, something similar happened to me!

I have this habit of playing music at night since I have insomnia, and well it keeps me up on most nights and usually in a half-dead state where I feel like I am not completely into my sense due to being tired and sleepy. The Bluetooth speaker that I use is black with slightly illuminated red buttons on the top of it, now if you are wondering why I mentioned this, well put it in a dark room and a spooky night. It is enough to get your heart racing. Anyhow, back to the story. Just like all nights, I placed the speaker on the table and played some rain ASMR. ASMR is a huge thing nowadays folks (Well it is basically everyday sounds recorded in a very good microphone, there are some decent ones such as rain and some cringe ones where people are eating. : / I know bizarre).

As the sound of rain and slow thunder resonated, my eyes started getting heavier, I started to drift into a slumber completely forgetting whats around me. And just after 5 minutes, I opened my eyes to whispering, this strange whispering that did not make sense yet seemed like someone was right beside my ear. But it was enough to make me feel something that I don’t feel often, fear that crept from the deepest part of my chest and traveled to every inch of my body leaving a trail of goosebumps behind and ending with that numb feeling where you know the end is near. A minute or two passed and I realized that I am obviously not dying yet, hence I started recovering from the shock and started looking for the source of the whispering, I turned my head frantically as If hell broke loose.

AND guess what?

I see my speaker which was another scare in itself but there was no rain sounds coming from it anymore and it hit me, what a fool I have been! It automatically shifted from rain ASMR to some whispering one, yet there was a comfort in knowing that it was my stupidity that led to me being scared and not some ghost ready to take my life. There I laid on my bed all relaxed again, my heart still recovering from the events that just transpired.





A software engineer, orator, video editor, chef (At least for myself), singer (Not exactly good), artist (Decent one) and a writer (Okayish one).